26 de octubre de 2015

The talent to generate great riches - NEGOCIATION

  Important Scientific Information... 

Note: If I do not receive a formal response from the managers of the mass media, I will recommend the dismissal of all the responsible personnel, by absence of professional ethics.

"The talent to generate great riches,
will depend on your talent to being able of find to other talented people"
 Marcos Jesús Paredes

My name is Marcos Jesús Paredes, and I am the scientist that has "obscured" some of the "brightest" minds of the history of the world"


   Important Scientific Information...    

- Corroborate this information is really very easy, because all the web sites www ..... "gov.ar" are only for Argentine Institutional State  (by law and rules of the institutional regulations …) http://marcosmjp25.blogspot.com.ar/2013/08/presentation-new-in-english-espanol.html • 2013 - 2014 The Governor of the Province De Cordoba - Argentina, Dr. Jose Manuel de la Sota, derived my monthly subsidy request (to represent my country in science and continue my scientific research) to the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Province of Córdoba - Argentina (finally, in the same Ministry were considered to my scientific background and Institutional data, as extraordinary), is approved by the Minister Royer Illanes (belonging to the same organism) and was forwarded of again ("by limited resources in the annual budget") to the Governor.
Please, continue to monitor management from:
Website: http://www.cba.gov.ar
Click in "SUAC - Check Records and Notes” , in "Spanish": “SUAC – Consulta Expedientes y Notas”:
Add the Sticker Number: 628318034913 (see sticker on document) and Enter ...


- Highlighted:
The honorable association Mensa Mexico published ("in a summary") my scientific investigation "On the Unified Theory by MJP" (physical theory, with which I refute the Theory of relativity and Classical mechanics. You also can read the article in English, at: http://marcosmjp25.blogspot.com.ar/2010/04/sobre-la-teoria-unificada-de-mjp.html 
), in the journal "El Mensajero" in print version and in their web sites (edition bimonthly May-June-2012). Moreover, I had been summoned to attend Mensa Annual Meeting in San Luis Potosi - México (in february 2013)
"For those who do not know," Mensa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensa_International) is the world's largest organization for gifted, was founded in 1946 by members of Oxford University, and his extension now covers 50 countries.
Their websites, easily accessible from: 

To read the article (Page 13-23), click below: http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012

I offer one Million U.S. Dollars

"You can study even in the best University in the world, and you can invest time and money to be Doctor, Graduate, Engineer, etcetera, etcetera ..., or you can study millionaires business and invest time and money in them ... But remember that: "in all cases", you will earn money for the task that you effected" Marcos Jesús Paredes 

I offer one Million U.S. Dollars , to who do "intermediary" in the closing of my negotiations with the mainstream media mass, of  printed content. To do this , they will only send an e- mail ( "I recommend" not send more than one e- mail per email account, otherwise, the server will take to the e- mail as spam, and may not be admitted to the tray input ) to the address selected, with the same input link of this Blog, iehttp://marcosmjp25.blogspot.com.ar/2013/08/presentation-new-in-english-espanol.html . In turn, you should forward to me the same e- mail (with your personal information "OPTIONAL", ie: full name, ID number, location , address and phone or or its address in facebook, Twitter, etc., for facilitate the future contact) to my address marcosmjp25@outlook.com.ar

Important: You must understand that not there fraud, because, "in the choice of e- mail as it will be by your names in the raffle from e- mails (the raffle will be filmed in front of a notary public, and broadcast live from the web).

The only e- mail contact will be chosen by raffle, the will be the winner of this large sum of money, if and only if I close the negotiations with the company , in an amount of money equal to or exceeds 10 million U.S. Dollars .

- My aim shall not be less than U.S. $ 10 million .
- My negotiation, is based in cede, my rights to publish my scientific work ( theory with which I refute The theory of relativity ) which was published ( by way of summary ) in Mensa Mexico , but this time in the VERSION FULL .
- The work will remain in total temporal availability during the years that I pacte with the company , according to contract agreements .
- The work may only be published in printed versions , and the company will may negotiate with other print media during the period of time mentioned in the previous item .
- The company may request review of my scientific work at universities , before the closing operation of the negotiations ( thus ensuring the investment of the same).
- The Ministry of Science and Technology - Cordoba - Argentina, credited through the editor Promotion of Science and International Cooperation and Minister of Science and Technology, the originality of the document that is probative evidence of my scientific background and institutional .

ATTENTION: If a person makes direct contact with the company (by correspondence postal, by telephone, personal contact, etc) and he achieve that I close the business or makes of direct bond, that person will be the only winner of two million dollars. But in compensation for those who sent the e- mails, there will also be a raffle with one winner of  $ 250,000.00 U.S. Dollars.

This is really very simple!!!
The logic can do it to you, a millionaire!!!

Do you have 15,000 Dollars to travel together, and present the offer in the USA?!
You will not go for a walk ("to Disney World"), or will be traveling to do me a favor to me, we're going to negotiate for 10 million of Dollar, and 2 million dollars will be yours:
You must cover all accommodation costs (mine and yours) and travel, and also you who will manage the money. Travel to USA is to stay for a month in NYC.

Did you know that?! In the MinCyT - Cba - Arg my scientific and institutional background were classified as extraordinary and because of it my Curriculum Vitae is considered oversized for businesses and Municipality of my city, just like it is for the Government of the Province of Córdoba.
Did you know that Argentina is the country that invests less money in Latin America?!
In short: If I contase with the money to travel to the US you believe you would be proposing this offer?!

-     These are "some" of the logical reasons, of because, I offer to the main means of mass media ("only to print"), the right to publish my scientific paper (published in Mensa Mexico) in 10 millions US Dollars ...
The main reason for business convenience, it is because my offer will be increased to double of money, if major media come to me (for trading), if the news of my scientific and institutional backgrounds was first broadcast worldwide before that Article "in complete version". Based on the above and considering that the company has the possibility to evaluate the article in prestigious universities, obviously, before making the negotiation, is say, it is understood that the company so thus save money.
But why pay 10 millions of Dollars?! For eg: Stephen William Hawking has achieved sales success with its popular works on science, in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; these include A Brief History of Time, which was on the list of bestsellers The British Sunday Times "for 237 weeks." That is, theories that modify the conception of the universe catches the public interest of readers (including and especially, the "opponents" eventual). It is understand that regardless of my "current fame," the medium is who is responsible for this sales by self-interest.
Another point in favor of the company, besides, is the historical world premiere, is that I will give them the rights of publication to it, so that it can be renegotiated (over a period of time up to 5 years) with other media the publication of the article (considering the temporary conditional consisting of agreed clauses).
Analogously and doing market analysis, it is public knowledge that as in sports clubs, the media generate their biggest moneymakers because of their advertising, therefore, my offer, about my article, be of undoubted interest to the parties, because what the media and businesses that advertise in them, what they want most is to attract the interest of the reader (DATA: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie - Angelina Jolie y Brad Pitt - The People magazine, in conjunction with the British magazine Hello!, offered the couple a sum of 14 million dollars by the right to the exclusive photos of the twins, the couple accepted).
My negotiations do not end there, because I will realize negotiations with other companies wishing to film documentaries, also will trade for different types of advertising and everything that is referred to merchandising, etc... 

•          From the moment I start the negotiation , I will give notice to the deadline for close of sending e-mail.

Another Offer!!! 

Project: Audiovisual
Category: Scientific Documental
Feature: Educational Scientific
Theme: Physics - The Unified Field Theory by MJP - The refutation of the Theory of the relativity and Classical mechanics.
Title: On the unified theory of MJP
Idiom: Spanish - English
Author: Marcos Jesus Paredes
Quality: HD
Duration: 1:30 ("approximately")

Negotiating table (logistics):

- To ensure the investment is desirable in principle that the TV Producer convene to the negotiating table, to the enrolled professionals specializing in sciences exact (who will be instructed by me in the theoretical field of Unified Theory MJP), before professionals themselves participate as guests in the documentary.
- The copyrights of intellectual property on the documentary, must be reserved to me person.
- Negotiations and the commercial relations exclude to the TV Producer about all decisions of agreements with companies that wish to acquire the documentary for broadcast.
- The commercial interests, have similar analogues foundations that for the mass media of printing.

Legal agreement:
- My base offer is not less than $ 20 millions of Dollars.
- Each one of the professionals who participate as guests in the documental, will receive in royalties, the percent 0.1 of the value of the base offering.
- My negotiation is based on grant of my copyrights to the dissemination of my scientific work (theory with the that I refute the Theory of relativity and the Classical mechanics) which was published (in summary) in Mensa Mexico, but this time will be in the full version.
- The documentary will remain in temporary total availability during the years that I will make pacte with the company, according to the agreed clauses.
- The documentary will be broadcast only audiovisual mode, and the company may negotiate with other broadcast media, during the time period mentioned in the previous point.
- The company can request a review of my scientific work in universities, before the operation of closing the negotiations (investment guarantees it).

The condition:
- The audiovisual production company must cover the monthly salaries ofyou’re your professionals who intervene for the film and the mine.
My claim to salary during filming, it is $ 15,000.00 US Dollars monthly.
- The film should not be done in a longer time to three months.

- The documentary will finish in agreement under my only conformity.

More information can be read in (Spanish-English, "it is not necessary to read the entire contents of this link"):

My page on Facebook (now in "ENGLISH - SPANISH"):  

My Facebook Web Address of contact:                                                

My mailing address is: Río Tercero / Córdoba / Argentina / Zip Code 5850 / Bº 20 de junio / Streets: Hipólito Yrigoyen y Rafael Obligado / Departament Nº: 135                                                                                                                                     
My phones numbers (Landlines): +54 (03571) 641275 / 505973 (Mobile or Cellphone) (03571) 15619699                                                                                                                                                              

- I authorize the free publication of my “scientific background” and more “institutional data” that I detailed in my Blog: http://marcosmjp25.blogspot.com.ar/2013/08/presentation-new-in-english-espanol.html

- Because I have the National Registry of Intellectual Property of all of my scientific works, and literary, I do not authorize for disseminated in the mass media my “scientific works” nor “literary”, without previous economic agreements.